News Archive

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Plant Patrol Picnic: Sunday, October 27, 4:00 pm
Saturday, October 19, 2024
We invite Plant Patrol volunteers and their guests to join us for a picnic to show our appreciation for the hard work that you have done to improve Indiana County's green spaces. Or if you have registered as a volunteer but haven't yet signed up for a work event, this is an opportunity to meet everyone.

As you would expect from Plant Patrol, we will put you to work. But this will be fun work. Instead of pulling out invasive shrubs, you will be cooking your food over a wood fire at Ed Donley's property. Bring your own food or a dish to share, if you wish.

Get more information and sign up at

Garlic Mustard Removal at Blue Spruce Park, May 5, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
We will pull non-native herbaceous Garlic Mustard plants along Getty Run in Blue Spruce Park on Sunday, May 5, 2024, 1:00-4:00 pm. Garlic Mustard is beginning to establish itself in patches along the trail, so this is an ideal time to eliminate it before it takes over the understory. Garlic Mustard produces a chemical that inhibits the growth of native understory plants, so it can create a monoculture. It is also an ecological trap for West Virginia White butterflies, who are tricked by the plant's aroma to lay eggs on it. However, Garlic Mustard poisons and kills the caterpillars.

If you want to volunteer for this work event, more details are at

Spring 2024 Plant Patrol Work Events
Monday, March 11, 2024
Winter is mostly behind us and spring is arriving! It is time to focus on plants. Plant Patrol has scheduled three work events for this spring to pull invasive shrubs. Please join us, if you can.

Tanoma AMD Wetlands Educational Site
Saturday, March 23, 10:00 - 1:00

White's Woods Nature Center
Saturday, April 6, 10:00-12:00

Yellow Creek State Park
Saturday, April 13, 1:00-3:00

Plant Patrol Receives ICE Grant
Friday, January 12, 2024
Plant Patrol received a 2023 grant from Indiana County Endowment for equipment and supplies. We are very grateful and excited about the additional volunteer work that we will be able to accomplish with this equipment. For cutting invasive shrubs, we purchased one 12-inch electric chain saw, four 4-inch electric chain saws, three buck saws, and two folding pruning saws. We bought four double-bladed weed cutters for cutting invasive herbaceous plants, such as knotweed and stiltgrass. We got two Pullerbears and six 6-foot digging bars for pulling out invasive shrubs. We bought four herbicide injectors for knotweed stems and four 2-gallon herbicide sprayers. We purchased marking flags and flagging tape to mark invaded locations. We bought additional safety supplies: leather gloves, chemical-resistant nitrile gloves, and permethrin clothing spray to kill ticks.

When we are not using it, Plant Patrol will lend equipment to Indiana County organizations or land owners who wish to remove invasive species from their own properties. If you wish to borrow equipment, contact Ed Donley at

Equipment and supplies from 2023 Indiana County Endowment grant

Plant Patrol Picnic Reminder: Friday, October 20, 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Just a reminder that we are having a picnic to show our appreciation to Plant Patrol volunteers and their guests. We will have hot dogs, sausages, and other dishes for everyone.

As you would expect from Plant Patrol, we will put you to work. But this will be fun work. Instead of pulling out invasive shrubs, you will be cooking your food over a wood fire at Ed Donley's property. Bring your own food or a dish to share, if you wish.

Get more information and sign up at

Plant Patrol at ICCD Apple Fest
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Plant Patrol will have a vendor booth at the Indiana County Conservation District Apple Fest on Saturday, October 7, noon to 6:00 pm. Visitors can try out one of our Pullerbears, play a native or invasive plant game, and take home information sheets about various invasive plants. If you are planning to attend, stop by and say hello.

For more information about the festival, see

Plant Patrol Picnic: Friday, October 20, 5:00 pm
Thursday, September 28, 2023
We invite Plant Patrol volunteers and their guests to join us for a picnic to show our appreciation for the hard work that you have done to improve Indiana County's green spaces. Or if you have registered as a volunteer but haven't yet signed up for a work event, this is an opportunity to meet everyone.

As you would expect from Plant Patrol, we will put you to work. But this will be fun work. Instead of pulling out invasive shrubs, you will be cooking your food over a wood fire at Ed Donley's property. Bring your own food or a dish to share, if you wish.

Get more information and sign up at

September 24 Work Event at Yellow Creek
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
We canceled the September 9 work event around Dragonfly Pond at Yellow Creek State Park because of the threat of thunderstorms. We originally planned to pull invasive shrubs at Blue Spruce Park on September 24 and November 5. Instead, we will pull invasive shrubs at Yellow Creek on September 24 and at Blue Spruce on November 5.

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Upcoming Events

Yellow Creek State Park

  • Thu, October 24, 4:15 – 6:15 pm

Pine Ridge Park

  • Sat, November 2, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon